Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to Your Questions
What is Thomistic Studies?
Thomistic Studies is an online mission of the English Dominican Congregation of St. Catherine of Siena (Stone), based in the U.K.
What is the English Dominican Congregation of St. Catherine of Siena?
The English Dominican Congregation of St. Catherine of Siena (Stone) is a Catholic organization of religious sisters that follow the charism of St. Dominic. They are also a registered charity (non-profit) in the U.K., charity number 271922.
Where are the courses held?
All sessions are held online. A student who has registered and paid for the course will be sent an email with a link two or three days before the course begins. A few minutes before the session, the student should click on that link, which will bring him or her into the course (Note: if one does not have a Zoom account, he or she may be required by Zoom to either download the program or open it in one's browser.)
Are the courses offered by Thomistic Studies accredited at an institution?
Thomistic Studies is not yet affiliated with any accredited institution. The courses which are offered are purely for the continued intellectual and spiritual growth of the students. However, as you can see in the question below, Sr. Mary Magdalene does have the academic qualifications needed to teach in a higher institution or seminary.
Do you have a specific teaching qualification?
Sr. Mary Magdalene Eitenmiller has both a Master's degree in theology from Ave Maria University, Florida, and an S.T.L. (Licentiate degree in Sacred Theology in the area of Thomistic Studies) from the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C., qualifying her to teach theology.
How can I support Thomistic Studies?
You can support Thomistic Studies by your prayers for our continued success and / or making a donation to the English Dominican Congregation (Stone) Charitable Fund. To make a donation, click on the "Donate" button above. This will bring you to a page with information on making a bank transfer and a Paypal button. One can use the Paypal button to send funds either through Paypal or via a credit / debit card. Please be sure to indicate "Thomistic Studies" in the subject line of your donation.